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Profile updated on 30 January 2025
Merluccius australis
Southern hake
Merluza del sur, Merluza austral (Spanish)
The Patagonian hake (Merluccius australis) extends from the Southwest Atlantic Ocean (south of 49º S on the Argentinean coast) to the Pacific Ocean, in the Southeast, along the Chilean coast (south of 40º S) and in the Southwest, in New Zealand waters (Machado-Schiaffino et al. 2009). Information about the population structure in this profile relates to the populations in Chile and Argentina. It is likely that the main stock is distributed in Chilean waters (Giussi et al. 2016). In Argentina, almost the entire population is composed of adult individuals (Zavatteri and Giussi 2021). Within the Patagonian distribution of the species, a distinct stock has been reported on the Chilean coast down to the southern tip of the continent, corresponding to the following regions: Los Lagos south of 41º28' S, Aysén, and Magallanes. Two fleets target this stock: an inshore artisanal one and an offshore industrial one (Quiroz et al. 2022). Argentina and Chile have independent assessments and management of the resource within their national waters.
Management Quality:
< 6 to 6.8
≥ 6 to 10.0
< 6 to 10.0
Smale-Scale Fisheries: