Profile updated on 15 July 2021
Scomber australasicus
Blue mackerel
Pacific mackerel, Common mackerel, English mackerel, School mackerel, spotted mackerel, chub mackerel, southern mackerel, slimy mackerel
Blue mackerel (Scomber australisicus) are a schooling pelagic species that occurs in tropical and temperate waters of the Pacific Ocean. They can be found to depths of 200 metres over the continental shelf, although juveniles inhabit inshore waters and shallower waters. Fishing for Blue mackerel in the Small Pelagic Fishery has historically been focused off south east NSW, eastern Tasmania and South Australia. Almost all small pelagic stocks are multijurisdictional (that is, managed by both the Australian and state governments) under Offshore Constitutional Settlement arrangements (Ward et al. 2007).
The 2014 SPF harvest strategy (AFMA 2014a), which was used to set recommended biological catches (RBCs) and total allowable catches (TACs) for the 2014–15 and 2015–16 fishing seasons, included a three-tier system that was applied separately to each stock. The tiered system was designed to allow greater levels of catch when higher-quality research information was available on stock status. Tier 1, for stocks with the highest quality of information (from daily egg production method [DEPM] surveys), provided for the largest potential RBC as a proportion of the estimated biomass. Tier 3, for stocks with relatively poor-quality information, provided for the smallest RBC (Small Pelagic Fishery Management Plan 2009; Moore and Mazur 2016). This species is managed under tier 2.
The stock structure of blue mackerel is uncertain. Genetic analysis of samples from southern Queensland, Western Australia and New Zealand indicates population subdivision. Genetic differences were detected between Western Australia and Queensland, and between Western Australia and New Zealand, but not between Queensland and New Zealand (Schmarr et al. 2007; Whittington et al. 2012). No finer-scale analyses of blue mackerel have been undertaken to further define stock structure. Blue mackerel within the SPF is assessed and managed as separate stocks in the eastern and western subareas (Moore and Mazur 2016).
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