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Profile updated on 18 January 2025
Trisopterus esmarkii
Norway pout
Norway Pout
The Norway pout (Trisopterus esmarkii) is distributed from the west of Ireland to Kattegat, the North Sea to the Barents Sea, and at the Faroe Islands (ICES 2017). The population considered here is that occurring in the northern North Sea and in Skagerrak, correspondent to the ICES assessment unit in Subarea 4 and Division 3.a. There is no known basis at present for separating the North Sea pout component into smaller stock units; although pout in the eastern Skagerrak demonstrates some self-containment, it is only to a very small degree (ICES 2009). Beginning in 2016, ICES stock assessment advice is provided only once annually, while formerly advice and management TACs were revisited biannually (ICES 2016).
Norway pout in this region is taken in a directed fishery and also as bycatch in the blue whiting fishery (ICES 2017). The species is harvested for reduction purposes nearly exclusively by large vessels from Denmark and Norway using small-mesh gear. The main fishing grounds are in the northern North Sea, particularly at Fladen Ground along the Norwegian Trench.
Management Quality:
≥ 6