Profile updated on 10 May 2022
Aliger gigas
Queen conch, pink conch
Queen conch
Strombus gigas is native to north and Central America, it is present in the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, up to depths of 76 meters (DIGEPESCA 2017). Population structure has been studied in several areas of its distribution, but no research has been found including Honduran waters.
Two separated migrations take place: first large juveniles move offshore, but adults migrate towards shallower waters in great numbers for reproductive purposes, facilitating major catches from divers (DIGEPESCA 2017) at a very sensitive time for its sustainability. Management of this resource is a complicated task, considering the different strategies of most countries in the region. International entities have taken this matter seriously and pushed for regional management strategies (CITES 2006)(WCS 2019).
Management Quality:
≥ 6
≥ 6
< 6