Profile updated on 19 July 2024
Pandalus borealis
Northern prawn, northern shrimp
cold water prawn, northern shrimp, deep-sea prawn, deepwater prawn, pink shrimp
The single stock is exploited in the Barents Sea and on the Svalbard fishery protection zone (SFPZ) by the Norwegian and Russian fleet; other vessels (Greenland, Iceland, and EU) are restricted to the SFPZ and “Loop Hole” (Aravind et al. 2024). Genetic studies indicate genetic differentiation between coastal and offshore shrimp in the Northern Barents Sea stock, which is considered a single stock (ICES 2022).
Four assessment units are considered within the North Sea region for evaluation of the stock condition as well as for management purposes:
1 – Northeast Arctic, subarea 1 and 2 (this profile).
2 – Skagerrak and Kattegat, and northern North Sea in the Norwegian Deep (Division 3.a and 4.a East).
3 - Northern North Sea, Fladen Ground (Division 4.a West)
4 – Flemish Cap (NAFO Div. 3M).
Image: Wikimedia Commons: Alaska Fisheries Science Center
Management Quality:
< 6
≥ 6
≥ 6