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Profile updated on 30 May 2024
Gadus chalcogrammus
Alaska pollock, Walleye pollock, pollock, Минтай.
Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands (BS/AI) pollock, EBS pollock
Although the stock structure of Alaska pollock in the N Pacific is still not fully understood, E Bering sea pollock is treated as a single stock for management and assessment purposes (NPFMC 2017). According to a study on the genetic population structure of pollock in the North Pacific (Grant et al. (2010) in (Ianelli et al. 2015), "the analyses of phenotypic and demographic population traits in pollock are more important for identifying local populations because these variables reflect the short-term environmental drivers of larval survival and recruitment. Hence, the combined results of genetic studies on pollock do not provide information that would alter the present practice of managing pollock on the scale of continental shelf regions.” The stock structure as presently considered in the E Bering Sea is also supported to some extent by the genetic isolation by distance (IBD) pattern along the North Pacific. However, clear evidence for genetic population structure is still lacking, and further large-scale genetic studies are underway (Ianelli et al. 2024).
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