Profile updated on 15 March 2024
Thunnus obesus
Bigeye tuna
Bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) is a highly migratory species that inhabits the epipelagic zone down to around 300 m of tropical and subtropical marine waters distributed throughout the three major oceans where it forms large schools, and often juveniles are associated with floating objects (IOTC 2017). The evidence of rapid and large-scale movements of juvenile bigeye tuna in the Indian Ocean reported by the Regional Tuna Tagging Project-Indian Ocean (RTTP-IO) supports the assumption of a single stock of bigeye tuna population within the Indian Ocean (Murua et al. 2015; IOTC 2017; Artetxe-Arrate et al. 2021).
Management Quality:
≥ 6
≥ 6
≥ 6