Profile updated on 13 December 2022





Sardinops sagax


Pacific sardine, Australian pilchard, California pilchard, Japanese pilchard, Southern African pilchard, South American pilchard

The Pacific Sardine (Sardinops sagax), influenced by the Humboldt Current, inhabits Chilean and Peruvian waters, and can be found from shore to 150 nautical miles at depths up to 250 meters (McFarlane et al. 2002) (SUBPESCA 2002). When high abundances occur, the latitudinal distribution extends from southern Ecuador (1°S) to central Chile (42°S), while longitudinal distributions go 1900 kilometers westwards out (97.5°W) (Serra 1991) (Schwartzlose et al. 1999). There are no studies on the population structure of this species through the Chilean coast. This species has traditionally been geographically segregated using fisheries information in three or four stocks: Ecuador and Northern Peru, Central-Southern Peru and Northern-Central Chile (Arica and Parinacota to Antofagasta Regions), Atacama-Coquimbo in Chile (McFarlane et al. 2002), and, finally, the Talcahuano fishery in Chile (Alheit and Niquen 2004). Stocks are differentiated by evaluation and management units. Further, the Chilean Management Committee officially requested SUBPESCA in 2019 to create a report to sustain the unification of the Pacific Sardine Fisheries Unit from XV to IV region (CMASE III-IV 2019).

In these regions, both artisanal and industrial fleets operate. However, captures from the industrial fleet fluctuate, and show no catches in some years such as 2016 and 2022 as shown in the Chilean's yearbooks (SERNAPESCA 2024).


  • Even when there have been no direct assessments for the resource since the mid-90s, some information is gathered from small pelagic monitoring programs, such as hydroacoustic surveys, recruitment, and spawning stock assessment of the anchovy.
  • Landings have been below the set TAC since 2003 (Sernapesca n.d.)(Sernapesca n.d.)(Subpesca n.d.).


Management Quality:

Management Strategy:

< 6

Managers Compliance:


Fishers Compliance:


Small-Scale Fisheries:

Security of Tenure Rights:
Participatory Management: