Profile updated on 20 September 2022
Dicentrarchus labrax
European seabass
The European Seabass is able to migrate several hundreds of kilometers to find its spawning grounds along the north and east Atlantic coast of Europe. Furthermore, no genetic structure differences have been found from the Bay of Biscay to Norway, and genetic flow was detected from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic population (Fritsch et al. 2007)(Souche et al. 2015). Surrounding the Iberian peninsula three different stocks were proposed, the first in the Bay of Biscay, the second from Portugal to Morocco, and finally a third stock in the Mediterranean (Souche et al. 2015). The stock identity is assumed to be Portugal & Northern Spain (ICES areas 8.c & 9.a) (ICES 2018), but further research is recommended to understand the stock structure of European seabass.
Management Quality:
< 6
< 6
< 6