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Profile updated on 23 January 2025
Loligo reynaudii
Cape Hope squid, Chokka
Cape Hope squid locally known as Chokka squid occur in the continental shelf around the southern African coast from Namibia to the Wild Coast region of the Eastern Cape, from the Great Fish Rive, on the east coast to the Orange River on the west coast. It constitutes a genetically uniform stock (Rosa et al. 2013, Van Der Vyver et al. 2016, Lipiński et al. 2016)(Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) 2023) Nevertheless, a separate stock, targeted by some artisanal fisheries, occurs farther north off southern Angola, but information from this region is limited (Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) 2023).
Management Quality:
≥ 8
≥ 6
≥ 8