Profile updated on 27 March 2022





Coryphaena hippurus


Common dolphinfish, Mahi-mahi

The common dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) is an epipelagic thermophilic species distributed circum-tropically and characterised by a low population structure level due to a high capacity for dispersion and large population sizes (Díaz-Jaimes et al. 2010). It is characterized by its migratory behaviour and fast growth rates and is targeted by artisanal small-scale and recreational fisheries, including large and small pelagics purse seining in most regions where it is found (Benjamin and Kurup 2012) (Moltó et al. 2020) (Abdi et al. 2022) (Pratasik et al. 2022).

Common dolphinfish known as mahi-mahi is also landed as bycatch of several fisheries such as those targeting neritic tuna using longlines, pole and line, handline and purse seine in the Indian Ocean region (Walker 2005) (Taquet et al. 2007) (Benjamin and Kurup 2012) (Hartaty and Amalia C 2015) (Chodrijah and Nugroho 2017) (Kumar 2017)(Yonvitner 2019) (Susila et al. 2020) (Sulistyaningsih et al. 2020) (Apriliani et al. 2021). There are no clear indications of stock discrimination in the Indo-Pacific region (Díaz-Jaimes et al. 2010), and here several management units at the national level are assumed for this species in the Indian Ocean Region. The stock has not been assessed at the regional level, here resource top node is assumed.


  • Commercial fishers have a legal obligation to report information about their fishing activities (including bycatches and interactions with ETP species) in a compulsory daily logbook.
  • Pole and line fishing gear is acknowledged as environmentally friendly fishing. 


Management Quality:

Management Strategy:

< 6

Managers Compliance:

< 6

Fishers Compliance:

< 6

Small-Scale Fisheries:

Security of Tenure Rights:
Participatory Management: